Dear Rick Mercer

We are looking for a celebrity, some one with integrity and a voice.  With all the work that Rick Mercer ( I am assuming he doesn’t answer his own emails J ) has done for the military and its vets he is a natural choice.  Please speak out! The RCMP need that voice as do the spouses and children.  How many of our finest have to die by their own hand before this is an issue.  We have a commissioner who makes the crazy sign by his head while speaking about PTSD.  Look into it, read the stories…we are a subculture in this country crying out.  Yet many Canadians don’t want to recognize this!  Why? 1- Many have skewed visions of police and the past few years the RCMP have not done well in the media and 2- to recognize that our police are traumatized we must be able to admit there is trauma in our neighbourhoods…many people would rather live in their pink bubble.

I started slowly reaching out desperate to find others like me, or someone to help.  Watching my husband slowly slip away was terrifying.  I am one of the lucky ones, he got better…he is in remission so to speak.  Im lucky,  I am an educated woman.  I have a vast background working with youth at risk, and I am a child of a soldier…I know what PTSD is and I was still overcome and terrified.  Can you imagine what would happen to a family where the spouse didn’t have the skill set I did, If I felt so lost.

I started Behind the Red Serge as a place where people could find solidarity and information.  No one should feel alone in this and no one should feel like they did something wrong.  Please take a look at our facebook site, my blog anything.

I am sure from all the tweets I have sent the Rick Mercer account I may come across as a bit of a stalker lol but I am not I assure you.  I am a 38 year old mother of 4.  Not some crazy 🙂  I m also a wife to an absolutely amazing man who has done nothing other than take a job that he was passionate about and watch it almost destroy him.  He is going back to work, wiser and with more tools on his tool belt…tools that should have been provided BEFORE not after.

This is the time to stand up and speak out.  Someone needs to stand up for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day for all of us.

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