Officer needs Assistance

When I speak about my husbands PTSD, I am often met with two questions….1-Does he KNOW you tell people?? Um yes he does and guess what so does he! Why? because he has nothing to be ashamed of.  He was injured at work!  and 2- I thought your husband was RCMP not the in the military? Yes he is a cop……People are often shocked that cops get operational stress injuries, until they stop and think about it.

One of the best tools I have used with friends and family is a clip from a documentary currently being developed by Deborah Ortiz in the United States and her company Dangerous Curves Productions.  Code 9 Officer needs assistance is THE most moving and REAL description I have every seen.  It does not matter what country you are in, or what colour your uniform is, this work depicts the reality of policing.

Deb is an amazingly strong and dedicated woman.  I have had the opportunity to speak to her on the phone a few times, and I am always amazed by her courage, focus and perseverance.  This documentary is a long time in the making but it will be made!!

Anyone in law enforcement, or has a friend or family member in law enforcement needs to see this amazing work.  The opening scene still gives me goose bumps and makes me cry….it speaks the truth!  Every police officer I know that has seen it has told me the same thing…..she nails it.

So even if you are not a cop or don’t know one WATCH THIS! If you are interested in law enforcement as a career PLEASE watch this.  If you are just curious and don’t understand PTSD watch this!

code 9

CODE 9-Officer needs Assistance

Thank you Deb for speaking out, for dedicating yourself to telling our stories!

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